Vodafone Digital Innovation Hub
Vodafone came to Platform with the brief to create an exciting, dynamic, flexible space to cater to young start-ups focussed on exploiting the possibilities of 5/6G in Manchester’s Media City.
The space needed to be brave, unconventional, reconfigurable, and agile. In addition, it needed to demonstrate how 5/6G and IoT were going to radically transform the future and provide a way for potential partners and investors to come and see the start-ups at work.
Built in weeks rather than months, Vodafone Business’ Digital Innovation Hub has four zones:
A marketing suite.
A sandbox techspace for innovators and entrepreneurs to trial the technology
A collaboration space for group interaction
And finally, a sales and partners space to get hands on with products that are realised in the hub.
Launched with the help of an elite panel of visionaries including multi award winning Shafi Ahmed and Mischa Dohler, Professors of 5/6G at Kings College, and Vodafone’s CTO Scott Petty.
The first of its kind, the Vodafone Digital Innovation Hub has unlocked potential in Media City, allowing new innovative companies to experiment with one of the most exciting technologies of our time.
Photography: Warren Dutton | Build Partner: Level Exhibitions